A true story written as a sketchbook.
Down Deso is my emotional journey rafting down the Green River through Desolation Canyon in Utah when I determined that I wanted to be an artist. The seven day trip is recounted through journal entries, drawings, and paintings that tell the story of my time on the river, the adventures we had, as well as my feelings about where I stood in life and the dreams I held for the future. The book was written in 2016 and 2017, self-published in 2018, and is now available for purchase to read for yourself.
Back in 2014, I was working as a writer for various websites with a focus on sustainable design, green building, and eco fashion. I had written a book about sustainable architecture as well, but I was getting burnt out and unsure of my path forward. Mostly, I needed a break and a chance to step away from the computer. This seven day volunteer trip with the BLM afforded me some precious time to take a step back from my always-on, digitally-connected life and spend some time in nature.
As we rafted down the Green River, we assisted in river clean up, interacted with other boaters, and checked on historically significant archaeological sites to ensure their protection. We encountered swarms of bugs, pouring rain storms, wild horses, bears, heat and dehydration, but also night skies filled with stars, crystal-clear swimming holes, awe-inspiring vistas and camaraderie that only develops from time spent outdoors.
The trip gave me time to pause & reflect, but also time to think about nothing at all. This rejuvenation of the mind and body gave me clarity to realize that what I really wanted was to be an artist and allowed me the courage to make that commitment.

DOWN DESO is available for purchase to read for yourself
$38 including free shipping